Shipments page for B2B


Shipments page for B2B


Shipments page for B2B


We provide customers with a shipment view that shows how the seller has planned their placed order. It includes information such as what is being shipped, the quantity, and the value of the materials being shipped.

We provide customers with a shipment view that shows how the seller has planned their placed order. It includes information such as what is being shipped, the quantity, and the value of the materials being shipped.

We provide customers with a shipment view that shows how the seller has planned their placed order. It includes information such as what is being shipped, the quantity, and the value of the materials being shipped.

Design brief

Design brief

What does a ‘shipment' mean for the customer?

Definition: A shipment essentially is a ‘part-order’ that is delivered to the customer

As part of the order, a shipment solves for 3 important considerations for the customer:

“Material” → What is being shipped? How much quantity?

“Invoice value” → What is the value of material that is being shipped?

“Est. time of delivery” → When will my material be delivered?

Applicable for: End-users who are involved with material procurement and tracking receipt against the placed requirements

What does a ‘shipment' mean for the customer?

Definition: A shipment essentially is a ‘part-order’ that is delivered to the customer

As part of the order, a shipment solves for 3 important considerations for the customer:

“Material” → What is being shipped? How much quantity?

“Invoice value” → What is the value of material that is being shipped?

“Est. time of delivery” → When will my material be delivered?

Applicable for: End-users who are involved with material procurement and tracking receipt against the placed requirements

Problems to solve for a shipment

Problems to solve for a shipment

How to show notification to the customer when the shipment is ready for pickup (Homepage, Order details page, My order page)

How to solve for the for the pickup address once the order is ready for pickup

How to handle self pickup shipment on shipment listing page

How to solve for buyer confirmation for the pickup slot & communication with the same with the seller

How to handle buyer facing proof of pickup & OMS lead proof of pickup

How to solve for proof of loading in self pickup

How to show notification to the customer when the shipment is ready for pickup (Homepage, Order details page, My order page)

How to solve for the for the pickup address once the order is ready for pickup

How to handle self pickup shipment on shipment listing page

How to solve for buyer confirmation for the pickup slot & communication with the same with the seller

How to handle buyer facing proof of pickup & OMS lead proof of pickup

How to solve for proof of loading in self pickup

Information architecture

Information architecture

User flow

User flow



Concept 1

Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 2

Final design

Final design


To help customers easily track their ordered products, they can access shipment details from the order summary. This allows customers to view their shipments in full detail, including the dispatch date and time, the SKUs included in the shipment, invoice information, driver and truck details, access to shipment documents, and shipment tracking

To help customers easily track their ordered products, they can access shipment details from the order summary. This allows customers to view their shipments in full detail, including the dispatch date and time, the SKUs included in the shipment, invoice information, driver and truck details, access to shipment documents, and shipment tracking

Living, learning, & levelling up one day at a time.



Living, learning, & levelling up one day at a time.



Living, learning, & levelling up one day at a time.

